Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Phenomenal Parker!

This is for my sister-in-law Amanda. I had forgotten that this picture was even on my computer. Her cat's name is Parker and everyone says that he is too fat to hunt, but Amanda swears that he is, in fact, a marvelous hunter. Well, here is the proof. Take that all you doubters!

Field Day

Okay, I know that this post is overdue by a few months, but better late than never, right? Anyway, Corban had a really good time at field day this year and we wanted to share these cool pictures with you!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Biscuits Game

We were so blessed to have been able to attend a Montgomery Biscuits baseball game. Our church purchased tickets for Faith Night and offered us four! What a blast! Neither me nor my boys had ever been to a baseball game like this and we enjoyed every minute of it.