Friday, July 25, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Praise God that we are so busy! It seems like we are in constant motion. We feel very blessed and are amazed that we get o be on the mission field and do the Lord's work in Willow, Alaska. Our June/July newsletter is in the works, we promise! We had a wonderful visit with Richard and Betty and are looking forward to Amber coming and Baker & Jana. Right now, we are feverishly working to get an "ice cream bash" done for the children's ministry..we will be hosting that tomorrow (7-26). We hope to reach out to young families who are not involved in church. We are also preparing for JAM camp coming up August 3-7. We are so glad that Amber will be here during that time, so that we can share our missionary lifestyle with her. She will be helping one of the leaders teach a class. I will be working with the drama class. JAM camp is Jesus, Arts, and Music Camp and it focuses on worship through many different outlets such as drama, music, singing, dance, etc. I am so excited to be able to be a part of this! Corban and Collin will be involved with it too. They will have crafts to do during the day with some of the Campers on Mission and then be mommy's helpers at night. We can't wait! Merrill is very busy with his new job as an instructor at Charter College and preparing sermons and doing visitation. He preaches every 4th Sunday night and any time the Pastor needs a fill in. Right now, we are preparing for a Revival that Merrill will be preaching on August 17-20. We will be doing community outreach the week before. Please be in prayer that the people here will be receptive to the message. You are all always in our prayers and we are certain that we are in yours!
God bless Alabama and Alaska!