Friday, April 25, 2008

So Far in our Mission

Dear Family and Friends,
For those of you who would like to know more than I am able to fit into the newsletter, I have decided to write a letter to go along with it.
We have been thanking God everyday for sending us here. Sometimes we feel a little overwhelmed by everything that we are doing, and the things that we need to be doing. But, without a doubt, we know that this is the place God wants us. I can see God’s hand on everything that we do. It is amazing!
Let me introduce you to some people, places, and things. Since moving here, we quickly found out that our house would never be empty. Praise God!
The Lord is blessing our ministry. So far, we have had three to make a decision to follow Christ and more with questions about discipleship and baptism. They want to change, they just don’t know how. We really need to be in prayer that the mindsets would change and the enemy will lose his grip on these people.
We have a very full week every week. On Sundays, we start out by running the van to pick people up for church. Then, we may have some stay at our house and eat dinner with us and hang out until time for church again. After church we spend another hour taking everyone home again. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, we have kids knocking on the door as soon as school is out. On Wednesdays, we run our van route again; taking people home after church, and usually one or two will call and come by, or just drop in. On Fridays, we have Lighthouse Youth Group. Another couple leads it. Their names are Paul and Valerie and they have two little boys: Sam (3) and Micah (6months). We help out by cooking, running the van route, and Merrill leads in worship and sometimes teaches 6th grade and under. We usually have 25-30 attend. Saturdays are busy with visiting with our new friends and then Sunday starts again.
The Willow Community Center is ½ mile down the road, and the library is there, along with a playground out back. Once a month, on Saturday night, they show a free movie. We watched Alvin and the Chipmunks our first Saturday here! On Tuesdays, there is story hour at the library followed by play group. Each mom brings a picnic lunch and we play on the playground (when warm enough) or inside the auditorium with bounce houses and riding toys. The boys really enjoy it. I am getting to know some other mothers also. They are so interesting. Some are wives of dog mushers. The lady that organized the play days (we meet again on Fridays), is from Switzerland. Her name is Dora and we have a hard time understanding each other because her Swiss accent is so thick and my Southern accent is so thick! As a whole, all of the mothers are very friendly. But, they are lost. I am praying that the Lord will use me to plant some seeds. I hope that they will bring their children to VBS in June. And, from there, get involved in church.
I will begin teaching the children’s Sunday school class May 4th. Please pray for the children I will be teaching. I will have a wide range of ages, so please pray that we will have fun and learn at the same time.
Every 5th Sunday we have a singing. But we do it a little differently up here. Each church takes a turn hosting it. All evangelical denominations. I am looking forward to the next one.
We have started a new program for young people. It is called Club 2911. We meet on Sunday afternoons at 4:30.
We hope to teach the young people up here Jeremiah 29:11: God has a specific purpose for their lives. And then, we will teach them intentional evangelism.
We have a lot going on this summer. Our VBS is scheduled for June 2nd -6th. We will be doing Cactus Canyon. It was made for backyard Bible clubs or mission teams to come in and do VBS. Because our church is limited in the number of teachers, we have decided that this program will be best for us. I really am looking forward to it. My class will be 3years old-kindergarten.
Merrill, myself, and the boys get to go to Anchorage May 1st&2nd for a minister’s retreat.
May 4th is the Associational Evangelism rally at our church. We are praying that a fire gets started in the hearts of all those here.
World Changers will be here June 8th-13th. There will be a total of 150, but our church is sponsoring 35. We will provide their lunches and transportation.
Willow has a big 4th of July parade every year. Merrill and I will be responsible for decorating the float. We are trying to plan some type of candy and tract to hand out to everyone.
We will have two teams of 16 from Tennessee coming up in July. They will be helping with the church plant that our church is sponsoring.
Casting Crowns will be in concert in Anchorage on August 9th. We would like to try to take a group of young people. Some have never been to a concert before.
There will be a youth-led revival August 17th-20th. Merrill will be preaching and we will use our youth to lead it. They will be doing the prayer, special music, taking up offering, etc. We are going to be witnessing in the community the week before and invite everyone to the revival. If anyone would like a short mission trip, this would be a great time. We not only need people that can get out in the community with us, but we need people that can help feed everyone, or anything that you feel God has gifted you to do.
The Alaska state fair is August 21st-September 1st. This is the fair that I am told you get to see the competition for the largest vegetables. Like a cabbage that weighs 50lbs! We are trying to come up with a clever way to do some witnessing at the fair. Please be in prayer about that.
We have so many things going on. Praise God! I’m sure I’ve left some things out, but I just can’t think of anything else. We love you and will look forward to seeing you.
God Bless Alabama & Alaska!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

3 weeks

Here we are 3 weeks and 1 day since landing in our new home in Alaska and already I can tell that the Spirit of God is moving here. We have seen 3 people come to Christ and others are inquiring about Baptism and the Christian life. We are staying busy with trying to keep up with Corban and Collin along with hanging out with new friends and church. A day doesn't go by when we don't welcome someone into our home to fellowship.

I want to thank everyone for praying for us. It has come apparent that we are on the mission field. Things too vast to tell. But, let me ask you join me in a battle. Not one of the physical nature, but one that touches across the World. You see, we as Christians have a power inside of us that can reach across mountains and oceans. PRAYER!

Ephesians 6:12-14
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm......

I Corinthians 4:20
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.

It is time for us to become as humble as a servant and as bold as a child to come before the Father to submit our request to see his power demonstrated in the lives of his people. Let us not lay down to the things of this world but let us be more than conquerors. Go forth and proclaim the gospel in all the world. There is a lost and dying world out there that can not be seen with the naked eye. I have witnessed accounts of heart ache and sorrow in lives of people and we as simple people can do nothing to ease the pain. But, in prayer and by the power of God we can and will see lives changed forever! The curse is to be broken and the enemy will not have victory for Jesus is our victor. Let us continue to unit in prayer and praise the Lord to break down the strong holds in Alaska, Alabama, and across this world. I sense so strong in my spirit that we are in the last days and our lives here on this earth are but a vapor. Thus, we need to call ourselves into action to reach our family, neighbors, enemies, and strangers for the gospel. For Jesus came for all the world to save us...John 3:16 and 17. Let us run the race to win. The call that God has placed on your life is irrevocable so step out anointed one and do what you have been called to do in your place in the body of Christ for God's purpose. Let us Love one another and all those around us by no longer holding the Joy of the Lord for ourselves. Love is action and people need to see true Love...full of grace and mercy with abundant joy.. Love is a choice..we chose to act or we chose to sit back. Let us Love through Jesus to the world around us.

Father God,
I thank you for the miracle of your existence. I come to you now to lift you up and praise you in your holiness and perfection. Thank you for choosing to love us through your Son Jesus. Thank you for loving us first. Thank you for giving us a reason to exist. I pray for every person that reads this prayer that you would ignite a fire inside their hearts in which they can not contain. I pray that your Spirit convicts us of our sins and sets us back in our rightful place with you. I pray that your power will be manifested in our lives so they are changed forever. Heal our hearts and our hurts, oh Lord. Fill the cracks in our lives with your holiness, grace, and mercy. Cleanse us and take our guilt so that we can hear Your voice clearly. In hearing may we then responded. Just as Isaiah stood in your presence (Isaiah 6:1-9) may we come into you presence before Your throne to be cleansed. Show us what a true relationship with you is like. Lead us into your path Lord. Bless your people Lord and guide us into your pathways. Keep us from the evil one and destroy the attack of the enemy that may come into our path. Revive us Lord, in ways that we have never seen or experienced. Make your Word real to us and those around us. Show us Your truth. Give us wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of your Word. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers and speaking to us. May we be quick to listen to you and not make excuses any longer. Revive us Lord, Reivive us, set our hearts a fire! In Jesus name....Amen.